Gender Equality
Gender equality is one of the UNESCO’s global priorities since 2008. UNESCO, following this date, guarantees gender equality in its works under Secretariat and in the programmes and events organized with the stakeholders including the UN institutions.
Gender equality is a fundamental human right. Gender equality is one of the conditions to secure internationally approved development goals. However, women of the world barely obtain education, proper jobs and fundamental resources and services.
Vision of UNESCO
UNESCO’s vision of gender equality co-proceeds with international instruments such as Convention of Preventing Violence against Women and the Beijing Declaration and Action Plan. Besides, Post-2015 Agenda is also utilized for the issue.
UNESCO is one of the expert UN institutions working on Education, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities, Culture, Communication and Information with the strong fundamental aims. Every single one of these areas significant in terms of gender equality. UNESCO is one of the leading contributors for the women rights, empowerment of women and the gender equality through its strategical partners, experiences strengthened with norms and standards, capacity building for implication and development.
What is Gender Equality?
UNESCO defines gender equality as the equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities between woman and man. This means recognizing the diversity of groups among woman and man, and considering the profits, needs and priorities of both woman and man. Gender equality is a human right principle which is the pre-requisite and the goal itself for the sustainable and human-oriented development.
UNESCO’ global priority of gender equality aims to strengthen the Organization’s ability to provide environments in every area of life for woman and man, and to contribute to sustainable development and peace. Besides, UNESCO stresses out that Organization will provide positive and permanent effect on empowerment of woman in global terms and gender equality via its contributions to sustainable development and peace.